US Declares War on Russia (Step One)

21st Century Wire says…
Behind the White House’s political smokescreen in Ferguson and New York, US lawmakers were busy sliding through a pre-declaration of war against Russia.
The latest resolution by the US Congress, most likely drafted and presented to the speaker by Washington DC-based Neoconservative think tank, Foreign Policy Initiative (formerly Project for a New American Century), calls for renewed political, and military support for Fascist and NeoNazi-sympathizing regime in Kiev, Ukraine, which will include:
– US aid for Kiev regime to keep using military against ethnic Russians in east Ukraine. – US funding for more weapons and military support in the Ukraine. – More US funding for foreign language, pro-US, and anti-Russian propaganda throughout eastern Europe and in countries bordering Russia.
In all but name, this US resolution is preliminary declaration of war, moving Washington right up to the final step, which is a formal declaration of war. Based on its recent record of engaging in foreign conflicts, it is unlikely a final declaration will come, as the US has already set numerous precedents already by waging Wiemar-style undeclared wars, or by simply bypassing its domestic checks-and-balances by waging any war through NATO.
In addition to ‘on the books’ warfare, there would normally be additional budgetary provisions included in this latest initiative for funding and directing proxy war and terrorist guerrilla against Russia through non-state actors in the region – which has already been done by the US already against Iran, as reported by New Yorker Magazine’s award-winning investigative reporterSeymour Hersh in 2008:

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on DECEMBER 4, 2014.