Watch: This Is Why Russia Can’t Attack America: New Weapon Has ‘Near-Instantaneous Lethality’

Over the last several weeks we have witnessed a complete collapse of the Russian economy, stock markets and monetary system. It is a result of Western sanctions for Russia’s refusal to retreat from its newly annexed territory of Crimea. And though Russia has pounded its chest with military protrusions into Western airspace, including the west coast of the United States, there is a distinct reason for why Vladimir Putin can’t pull the trigger on any sort of military engagement, at least not yet.
In his Strategic Relocation documentary World Affairs analyst Joel Skousen suggested that, while a World War III scenario is an event that is likely to take place in the foreseeable future, Russia and China are hesitant about any sort of military conflict with the United States because of the West’s top secret, advanced military technologies.
One such technology that’s not so secret any more but was recently released to the public is the LaWS (Laser Weapon System). It’s a system so advanced that the military says it can lock on to and engage targets with near-instantaneous lethality.
‘Laser weapons are powerful, affordable and will play a vital role in the future of naval combat operations,’ Rear Adm. Matthew L. Klunder, chief of naval research, said in a statement Wednesday. ‘We ran this particular weapon, a prototype, through some extremely tough paces, and it locked on and destroyed the targets we designated with near-instantaneous lethality.’ (Yahoo)

This post was published at shtfplan on December 16th, 2014.