French airline CEO Claims MH370 ‘Shot Down’ by United States

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is said to have disappeared in the early hours of Saturday, March 8th, 2014. Although there have been many theories surrounding the missing airliner, this latest claim could blow the lid of of this highly controversial story…
The US may have shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 and then covered it up according former French airline CEO Marc Dugain. As we documented here at 21WIRE this past March, a former member of the US National Transportation Safety Board, John Goglia, reported that the ACARS transmitter ‘continued sending out blips’ that were recorded by satellite ‘once every hour’ after the transponder had been off, in addition to Rolls Royce transmitting live data to its global engine health monitoring center in Derby, UK every 30 minutes during flights.
Over this past year, we covered a report detailing how a Boeing 777 along with other Boeing models, can in fact be flown remotely through the use of independent embedded software and satellite communication. Once this advanced system is engaged, it can disallow any pilot or potential hijacker from controlling a plane, as the rooted setup uses digital signals that communicate with air traffic control, satellite links, as well as other government entities for the remainder of a flight’s journey.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on DECEMBER 22, 2014.