Islamic State (ISIS) Says Only a Matter of Time Before Europe Is Conquered; Plan ‘Largest Religious Cleansing Campaign’ in History

When I got into this fight in the wake of September 11, I would never have believed that such warnings had any real possibility of coming true, despite the unspeakable blood and carnage of that horrible attack. But seeing how the West has submitted and surrendered to these savages, I don’t think it can be avoided.
Europe has forfeited its future, and any attempts to oppose the islamization of Europe are met with scorn, derision, defamation and criminalization. In other words, sharia enforcement.
Does the Islamic State (ISIS) of Europe seem so impossible? Between the Islamic State and Turkey’s entry into NATO and then the EU, it’s game over.
The prescient historian, Bat Ye’or, in her book Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate, predicted that Europe will not remain multicultural for long. She warned that Europe would be dominated by Islamic extremists and transformed into ‘Eurabia.’ She was right, and she wrote that before the sweeping gains of the Islamic State.
Immigrants can enrich a nation. But there is a difference between immigrants and colonists. The former are eager to learn the ways of their adopted home, to integrate and perhaps assimilate – which does not require relinquishing their heritage or forgetting their roots. Colonists, by contrast, bring their culture with them and live under their own laws. Their loyalties lie elsewhere.

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on Dec. 28, 2014.