Of Two Minds in 2015

It is clear that we need both practical plans of action for individuals and households and systemic alternatives to the present dysfunctional and doomed status quo.
Occasionally readers inquire about the meaning of this blog’s title, Of Two Minds. There are several answers, but the primary one is: Of Two Minds is the synthesis of two minds–yours and mine.
Longtime readers know that from the inception of the blog ten years ago in May 2005, I have published/incorporated (with credit) an amazing spectrum of reader commentaries and analyses, from long-form essays to short paragraphs.
The advance of my own knowledge depends directly on readers’ commentaries, critiques and analyses, and the network of global correspondents that is Of Two Minds’ primary asset serves the expansion of all readers’ understanding of our troubled times.
In other words, all the other minds that contribute experiences, ideas and explanations advance our collective knowledge, in effect leveraging an enormous network to the benefit of all participants/readers.
In this way, I consider Of Two Minds a working example of New Media Journalism, as it is both individual and global in a way that was not possible prior to the Internet. Newspapers had stringers/free-lancers in various capital cities, but communications from these nodes to the center were too slow and hierarchical to duplicate the non-corporate, non-institutional model of journalism/commentary that is our work in progress here.

This post was published at Charles Hugh Smith on THURSDAY, JANUARY 01, 2015.