Hot War Continues in Ukraine
Late last evening, Batchelor and Cohen continued their discussion of Ukraine Crisis. With hot war raging across the Donbass, it is extremely important that you stay on top of this situation.
There’s a lot of helpful information in this podcast. Among the topics covered:
Why is hot war restarting now? Is it to keep the sanctions in place? The symbolic importance of the Donetsk airport. Putin’s intentions and how Ukraine Crisis has prompted Russia to turn to “the east”. Russia’s current economic state and the choices they face in managing the crisis. Are the sanctions driving greater Europe away from the U. S.? The significance to Russians of the WWII anniversaries that are coming up this spring. Please be sure to give this a thorough listen and be certain to stay on top of the headlines. This situation is seeming to worsen by the day.

This post was published at TF Metals Report on January 21, 2015.