After 12 Years of Persecution and Imprisonment Professor Sami Al-Arian Escapes US DOJ Gestapo

After 12 Years of Persecution and Imprisonment Professor Sami Al-Arian Escapes US DOJ Gestapo ‘I came to the United States for freedom, but four decades later, I am leaving to gain my freedom.’ The Internet site, The Intercept, provides the exclusive interview below with Professor Sami Al-Arian. I reported on the totally false and trumped-up case brought against this good and innocent person by the US Department of Justice (sic) in The Tyranny of Good Intentions (2008), coauthored with Lawrence M. Stratton.
The false case that the DOJ concocted in order to ruin an innocent man’s life shows that the DOJ has no integrity. The case reveals that the DOJ is so arrogant that the DOJ has no concern for its reputation among the legal profession at home and abroad. The DOJ proves its lack of concern about its integrity time and time again. For example, the imprisonment of former Alabama Democratic governor Don Siegelman was achieved on the basis of brute force. Everyone knows that, including President Obama. Yet Siegelman remains in prison.

This post was published at Paul Craig Roberts on February 6, 2015.