Checkpoint Charlie is back: Ukraine starts building a new Berlin Wall

On August 13, 1961, the government of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) began to establish an ‘Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart’.
The idea was to, you know, protect people… from fascist terrorists who intended to do harm in the country.
Just weeks after government officials stated that they had ‘no intention of erecting a wall’, they closed the border and started reinforcing the defenses with barbed wire. Concrete came soon after.
When it was finally erected, the wall stood for decades as a symbol of tyranny over freedom.
And in the ensuing period, people within the Iron Curtain suffered the misery of secret police, centrally planned bread production, and some of the worst indignities imaginable.
This is starting to happen once again… now in Ukraine. The ongoing conflict with Russia has fueled a resurgence in totalitarianism.
Two days ago, the government registered a draft to ‘improve’ the criminal code of Ukraine, essentially making it a crime to even question Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
In other words, if you don’t buy the Ukrainian government’s official (and US-funded) propaganda, you’re looking at up to three years in prison.
In addition, the Ukrainian government has been arresting people who criticize the war, and they’ve established a hotline where people can rat out anyone with anti-government views.
They’ve also forcibly impressed citizens into military service (and thrown people in jail who refuse).
And as of this morning, the government of Ukraine started… ‘reinforcing’… the defenses of Kiev with eight barricaded checkpoints.
Why? In order to protect citizens from terrorist attacks.

This post was published at Sovereign Man on February 11, 2015.