To Our Youth: Stand Up Or Bend Over

It’s been quite amusing to watch young people sit and play the “I love Obama” game, then responding with la-la-la-la when I and others point out to them that all the free **** cannot actually happen — the promises made are and have been lies.
(Cornell) Students who do not opt in to the $2,352 per year plan must pay the $350 fee, which ‘most likely’ won’t be covered by financial aid, according to campus newspaper The Cornell Review. The newspaper also said the university plan is run through Aetna, whose CEO, Mark Bertolini, is a Cornell MBA grad. In addition the fee, students will have to pay a $10 co-pay fee when visiting the school’s health center.
$2,352 annually for young people? Are they nuts? What the hell are these people smoking?

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2015-02-15.