Why the Free and Open Internet Is Never Going to Die

It appears that the internet’s wild west days are coming to an end, much to the chagrin of pretty much everyone who uses it. Last week, the FEC announced their desire to regulate websites like Drudge, and President Obama called for the government to reign in the internet, and regulate it like a utility. Obviously, these developments have the potential to destroy everything that makes the internet great.
The masses have spent the last 15 years ditching television, radio, and newspapers, and turning to the internet for their news, because it offers an almost infinite number of opinions. Meanwhile, the mainstream media continues to wallow in lies and propaganda, as they pump a steady stream of bland and sterile entertainment into our homes. If the government has its way, in 20 years your computer will become nothing more than a television with a million channels. How novel?
The internet has also radically changed commerce for the average person, by giving small businesses an affordable way to sell their goods and services to the world, while giving customers an incredibly wide selection that would have never been available to them in brick and mortar stores, and shopping magazines. You can say goodbye to that as well. While Obama claims these measures are meant to prevent corporations from monopolizing the internet, I think we all know better. Governments and corporations work hand in hand, and everything thing they touch turns into a monopoly. Somehow I doubt the mom and pop shops of the internet will survive this regulation.
Oh well. I guess it’s time to pack it up guys. We had a really nice run, but I guess the bad guys won. The internet as we know it dead. Hammer the last nail and shovel in the dirt. We’ll just have to go back to watching CNN and shopping at Walmart.

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on February 18th, 2015.