You Will Be Shocked At The Sick Things That People Are Doing To Cats In America

What would you do if you discovered that someone had sealed four kittens in a cardboard box with duct tape and tossed them in a dumpster? What would you do if you personally witnessed someone toss a cat out of a vehicle that was moving down the road at high speed? As America becomes increasingly cold-hearted, people are doing things to animals that are incredibly sick and disgusting. It has been said that a society is judged by how it treats those that are most vulnerable, and our pets are completely and totally dependent on us for their welfare. When we treat them like garbage, it reveals what is truly in our own hearts. If you have a weak stomach, you may not want to read this article. Some of the things that people are doing to cats in this country are absolutely horrific.
For example, a group of high school students in the state of Oklahoma recently ‘filmed themselves performing a sick dance routine with dead cats’…
A group of students at one of America’s top high schools filmed themselves performing a sick dance routine with dead catsin their classroom before posting the video on Facebook, the Daily Mail Online can reveal.
The disturbing footage shows eight young students from a flagship charter school – which is rated among the best schools in the USA – making the cat corpses ‘dance’ to music in a school laboratory while being ‘conducted’ by another student.
The students, from the Harding Charter Preparatory High School in Oklahoma, ranked number one in Oklahoma and 23 in the USA, can be seen laughing as they stand in a row with the cats – meant to be dissected in their anatomy class – then wave them side to side to the ‘Meow Mix’ cat food commercial song.

This post was published at End Of The American Dream on May 12th, 2015.