Defense Department Exempt From Providing Any Accounting

Part of the 9/11 conspiracy, exposed on September 10, 2001, is an unexplained $2.3 trillion missing from the Defense Budget. The plane that struck the Pentagon (if it was a plane) hit the room with all the records. That ended the investigation exposed the day before and Donald Rumsfeld promised to investigate.
Well 9/11 certainly stopped that investigation, but not the fraud. Now the budget amounts to $8.5 trillion that is not accountable since 1996. The way to deal with it this time, instead of attacking a city to place blame on someone else, is to just exempt it from accounting for anything. Because of its persistent inability to tally its accounts, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that has not complied with a law that requires annual audits of all government departments, as reported by Reuters. That total sum now exceeds the value of China’s economic output last year. We are just supposed to accept that the NSA needs to track and listen to everyone, and we should just trust them. This is simply absurd.

This post was published at Armstrong Economics on June 11, 2015.