House Kills Fast-Track Of Obamatrade After Pelosi-Led Democrat Rebellion

And just like that, President Obama’s fast track of his “great job creation” bill is defeated in a 126-302 procedural vote which stumbled over what is known as the Trade Adjustment Assistance.
Following Pelosi’s comments that “its defeat is the only way we will be able to slow down fast track,” and “people would rather have a job than assistance”, the defeat of a measure to provide aid to workers displaced by trade deals means the fast-tracking of the TPP is done (for now).
*HOUSE HAS ENOUGH VOTES TO DEFEAT TRADE BILL And with a whopping 302 votes against, House democrats just stunned the democrat president by ending the “fast-track” of the TPP and forcing it back to the drawing room table. As the NYT puts it:

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 06/12/2015.