Following Up: Trump & Sanders, Obama’s Katrina Moment, Manufacturing Fakeonomics – & an Overdue Thank You

For some reason, Hillary Clinton’s campaign website isn’t technologically up to speed enough to have posted a transcript of the ‘economic vision’ speech she delivered this morning. So instead of analyzing it, I’ll try something a little different on RealityChek – a ‘Following Up’ offering covering multiple subjects.
The first starts off with an apology. In last week’s piece on how Donald Trump could (but probably won’t) help generate long-term change in American politics, I wrote that his president candidacy nonetheless seemed more likely candidate than Democrat-Socialist Bernie Sanders’ to foster badly needed ideological realignment. My stated reason was that the big obstacle to Trump efforts along these lines is his personality, whereas the big obstacle to the Vermont Senator playing such a role is his ideology.
But then when I discussed in detail Sanders’ prospects as a change agent, I wrote that ‘he seems to be a more plausible candidate to help create an enduring populist alternative to the two major parties.’ And my stated reasons included the ideological flexibility he’s displayed on issues like gun control! So what gives? In a word, I messed up. So let me try to clarify.

This post was published at Wall Street Examiner by Alan Tonelson – July 13, 2015.