Hillary at Brookings: I ‘Will not Hesitate’ to Bomb Iran

Editor’s Note: For more on this, watch the video we’ve added at the bottom of this article which shows Hillary cackling about the possibility of bombing Iran. This speech was a signal to the real owners of this country that Hillary can’t wait to go to the next war…
Clinton defends the deal but articulates policy for the day after #HillaryOnIran pic.twitter.com/TsTe2cGZp5
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 9, 2015

In a speech addressing the pending Iran nuclear agreement on Wednesday, presidential hopeful and former Sectary of State Hillary Clinton provided a glimpse into the possible militaristic future of the United States if, as she said, ‘I am in the White House.’
Though she endorsed the deal, which seeks to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon by forcing controls onto the country’s nuclear energy program, Clinton vowed that she would do so with skepticism and – as many have pointed out – an eye on a military alternative.

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on September 14th, 2015.