Nobel Laureate Signals Worried, Fearful U.S. Markets: ‘Financial Bubble Ready to Burst’

As if there haven’t been enough financial worries, now a Nobel economics laureate is now signalling the alarm.
According to Yale University’s market scholar Robert Shiller, confidence levels are at an all time low for the 21st Century – with clear indications that investors see the market as overvalued, and vulnerable to collapse.
The Financial Times reported:
A growing number of investors believe that US stocks are overvalued, creating the risk of a significant bear market, according to research by Yale University market scholar Robert Shiller.
… [H]is valuation confidence indices, based on investor surveys, showed greater fear that the market was overvalued than at any time since the peak of the dotcom bubble in 2000.
‘It looks to me a bit like a bubble again with essentially a tripling of stock prices since 2009 in just six years and at the same time people losing confidence in the valuation of the market,’ he said.
However […] it remained impossible to time any fall in the market…
But even news that a pop in the bubble and a subsequent collapse could occur, seems like a foregone conclusion for Shiller, who is hardly surprised:

This post was published at shtfplan on September 15th, 2015.