Ugly America: Paranoid of Syrian Refugees, South Carolina Residents Call For ‘Religious Purity’ in US

21st Century Wire says…
This should come as no surprise in a state which has re-elected the likes of Lindsey Graham.
Despite the fact that no Syrian refugees have arrived to date, residents in South Carolina are already holding ‘pro-American’ rallies in fear that Muslims might land in their communities. Their fear is that a few dozen, or even a few hundred Arabs might ‘transform’ the ethnic, social and religious make-up of their state of 5 million people.

According to one outspoken (and not very bright) local attorney, Ms. Lauren L. Martel, the United States of America ‘is a Judeo-Christian nation.’
She adds: ‘We are not a Muslim nation, and those two things cannot coexist.’
The interesting thing about this new patriot-racist wave, is that those who claim to be ‘constitutionalists’ are no more than corrupt clerics of their own new religion. Think of the Taliban, wearing a red, white and blue turban. These self-styled constitutional clerics remain oblivious to the fact that US Constitution clearly lays out religious tolerance and freedom in America – a concept that is not exclusive to ‘Judeo-Christians’. The fact that Martel is a lawyer makes this all the more laughable, and one wonders if she’s ever really read the US Constitution. Notice also here, how this relatively new religious-political construct has been invented, called ‘Judeo-Christian’, which is being used to help contain this new American doctrine of religious exclusivity and intolerance.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on SEPTEMBER 26, 2015.