ISIS Mayhem Being Fueled by Drugs, Arms – Supplied by Saudi Arabia and the CIA

21st Century Wire says…
It’s the untold and often hidden history which underpins many of today’s proxy wars, conflicts and the horrific activities of death squads the world over.
The strategic dispensing of narcotics in the military theater and in guerrilla warfare is more common than many people realize. In many cases this is the X-factor that fuels the mayhem and terrorizes vulnerable bystanders on the ground.
Aside from the traditional problem of substance abuse by the US military and others, drugs have played a pivotal role in many recent conflicts and tend to be a feature where US military and covert intelligence are involved. Narcotic trafficking and use by military has been well-documented in US-backed wars in Vietnam and Central America, specifically with El Salvador, Nicaragua, Brazil, Columbia (to name only a few), and also with NATO’s 21st century opium boom in Afghanistan, other NATO narco wars like Yugoslavia, as well as countless CIA-linked conflict zones featuring death squads in Iraq, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Rwanda and Angola.
This issue is very real. Examples of the narco-guerrilla warfare phenomenon are numerous and well-documented. A UNICEF report explains:
‘Children are often deliberately brutalized in order to harden them into more ruthless soldiers. In some conflicts, children have been forced to commit atrocities against their own families. In Sierra Leone, for example, the Revolutionary United Front forced captured children to take part in the torture and execution of their own relatives, after which they were led to neighbouring villages to repeat the slaughter. Elsewhere, before battle young soldiers have been given amphetamines, tranquillizers and other drugs to ‘increase their courage’ and to dull their sensitivity to pain.’
Drugs are also coupled with sexual exploitation in order to help war planners retain cadres of militant recruits. These reports have been commonplace coming out of the ISIS crisis in Syria and Iraq, but has also been a fixture in other US-linked dirty wars. UNICEF adds here:

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on OCTOBER 30, 2015.