GOP Establishment Wants to Bring Back Romney to Fight Trump and Carson

Regardless of how you feel about Donald Trump and Ben Carson, you have to admit that their popularity is emblematic of a major sea change among conservative voters, just as Bernie Sanders represents a significant shift among liberal voters (full disclosure, I can’t stand any of them). In both cases, they reveal that the average American is absolutely tired of dealing with mainstream establishment politicians. They’re sick of being lied to by smooth talkers that don’t really have their best interest at heart, and don’t fulfill any of their promises.
As you might expect, the GOP establishment is not taking this race very well. It’s not going according to plan. Their main man Jeb Bush was supposed to have this one in the bag, and no matter what they do they can’t seem to get their voters to take interest in him.

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on November 14th, 2015.