‘Zero Confidence’: 8 In 10 Americans Think Obama Is Losing To ISIS

Who says the terrorists aren’t winning against our freedoms?
With Obama in office, it may be a certainty.
Nearly 15 years after the 9/11 attacks, the United States is weaker than ever, and it has perhaps dug its own grave engaging in protracted conflicts and wars in the name of hunting down terrorists.
According to a new poll, Americans today see their country as losing the battle against terror despite having the most powerful military in the world.
Apparently only 2 in 10 Americans think the U. S. is winning the war on terror, and see the ISIS Islamic State as holding the upper hand. In terms of public opinion, it may as well be zero.
The hearts and minds have been lost – right here at home.
According to the Daily Mail:
Americans believe more than ever that the terrorists are winning the war on terror.
In a new CNN/ORC poll, just 18 percent of Americans surveyed said the U. S. and its allies were ahead in the terror fight, with 40 percent now saying the terrorists have the upper hand.
The numbers are almost completely flopped from when the question was first asked, just one month after the 9/11 terror attacks.
Then, 42 percent said the U. S. was winning the war on terror, while 11 percent said the terrorists were dominating the fight.
Those numbers have bobbed up and down through the years, but this latest poll showed the most dramatic spike in public opinion, as Americans have grown increasingly concerned about ISIS in light of the attacks in San Bernardino, California and Paris, France.

This post was published at shtfplan on December 29th, 2015.