What the Pundits Don’t Get About Trump

The class war is already underway, and the petit bourgeois media is clueless. The typical bourgeois mainstream media pundit is confused and alarmed by Donald Trump’s ascendancy. The typical pundit is a member of the petit bourgeois who has zero contact with the working class in America, other than saying “hello” to his/her auto mechanic, hair salon employee, etc. The standard-issue pundit has an overweening sense of their own insight due to their academic/media success; nobody gets air time for confessing “I’m clueless.” Their failure to grasp Trump’s appeal has revealed their absolute lack of insight and understanding of the real world beyond the media, Wall Street and D. C. The conventional MSM pundit compares Trump to the politicos of the past and finds him wanting. He’s no FDR, Reagan, etc., they pout. The pundits are outraged by Trump’s success as a candidate because in their blindered view of the political/economic landscape, he shouldn’t be successful and so something is amiss with the Universe. The standard petit bourgeois media hack is comfortable with the conventional politico stereotype: Slick Willy I feel your pain small-town mayor gone bigtime, check; ambitious, duplicitous Lady Macbeth (Hillary), check: Lady Macbeth suppresses her instincts toward compassion, motherhood, and fragility – associated with femininity – in favour of ambition, ruthlessness, and the singleminded pursuit of power.

This post was published at Charles Hugh Smith on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2016.