Will the US Go Negative in 2017?

Thoughts from our recent Big Picture podcast with Jim Puplava, Chief Investment Strategist at PFS Group, which you can listen to in full at Financial Sense Newshour here or on iTunes here.
The US is right in the middle of a presidential election season, which we affectionately refer to as “silly season” – a time when our politicians are kissing babies, handing out lollipops and promising better times ahead.
At Financial Sense, we view the markets through a three-legged stool consisting of fundamentals, technicals, and the “politicals”. Given the polarity of the front-runners, their widely diverging viewpoints on economic policy, and a new vacancy in the Supreme Court, we believe the political leg will likely have more importance for investor sentiment this year.
It is important to note that the election outcome will have clear long-term implications for the US economy, however, markets (composed of businesses and investors) don’t like uncertainty and this alone may have a significant impact prior to the actual outcome.

This post was published at FinancialSense on 02/22/2016.