All Quiet On The Eurasian Front

So now Iran is back to being demonized by the West as ‘provocative’ and ‘destabilizing’. How come? Wasn’t the nuclear deal supposed to have brought Iran back to the Western-concocted ‘concert of nations’?
Iran will once again be discussed at the UN Security Council. The reason: recent ballistic missile tests, which according to the West, are ‘capable of delivering nuclear weapons’ – an alleged violation of the 2015 UN Security Council Resolution 2231.
This is bogus. Tehran did test-launch ballistic missiles in early March. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei stressed missiles were key to Iran’s future defense. Ballistic missiles have nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program; and yet Washington kept bringing it to the table during the manufactured nuclear crisis.
Russia knows it, of course. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control, Mikhail Ulyanov, once again had to go on the record saying the ballistic missile tests did not breach the UNSC resolution.
What else is new? Nothing. Washington will keep pressure on Tehran for a fundamental reason; the US did not get the natural gas commitments they were expecting after the nuclear deal. Iran privileges selling natural gas to Asian – and European – customers. Eurasian integration is the key.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 04/05/2016.