Grasping At Straws (The Illusion of Choice)

It’s pitiful to watch the US election gyrations in the midst of this calculated societal breakdown. Americans have historically had such guts and strength, while albeit pitiful little is left, as they direct their vestigial frustration in such futile directions in the throes of their certain demise.
So many have attached their grievances and hence hopes for change to this new set of puppet false promises it’s absolutely not just alarming, but seriously disturbing. The very nature of looking to others to change their circumstances, never mind via such obvious psychopathic, self-serving, self-appointed dupes and character actors, is just overwhelming.
The fundamental full-frontal reality that they seem hypnotically destined to participate in such an obviously manipulated environment truly boggles the mind.
The same can be said for the sleeping and compliant European population, but I don’t think it’s quite as vast as the American phenomenon we’re witnessing – but it’s getting closer. Either example, it’s clearly a pathetic display of uninformed ignorance and subservient compliance on a massive, disheartening scale.
When will people wake up to the obvious truth of what’s transpiring around them and realize their innate power of personal manifestation and all it would entail?
All 0f this is an ongoing and ever present challenge, but apparently part of the learning process we’re undergoing here.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on APRIL 22, 2016.