Almost Nothing Hillary Clinton Told the American People About Her Emails Was True

Republicans have offered Americans a non viable presumptive candidate for President. Democrat elites are offering their continuing model of failing up.
Failing up has become the hallmark of the Obama administration. Help crash the biggest bank in the country and take a bonus for yourself from the taxpayer bailout and you fail up as U. S. Treasury Secretary. Work as the lawyer for the Wall Street banks that crashed the U. S. economy and you fail up as Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Become a partner at the law firm named in an historic court decision as a co-conspirator with Big Tobacco and you end up as the head of the Justice Departmentor the head of its criminal division. Fail to rein in systemic Wall Street abuses before they crash the U. S. economy in the greatest downturn since the Great Depression and thePresident will bestow even greater regulatory powers on you under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation.
Now President Obama is going on the stump to make sure his former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has the ultimate experience in failing up – all the way to the Oval Office. As President Obama was preparing to escort Hillary Clinton to a presidential campaign event yesterday on Air Force One, the Director of the FBI, James Comey, held a press conference to call her handling of Top Secret national security matters ‘extremely careless’ and contradicted her serially false statements to the public about the matter.
The material in the FBI report was so damaging that one has to question if U. S. intelligence personnel would, or should, share Top Secret information in the future with Hillary Clinton should she become Commander in Chief.
Two scathing reports have now been issued by separate investigators into Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified national security matters over a non-government, private computer server located in the basement of her home. The first was issued by the State Department’s Inspector General at the end of May. It found that Clinton had told multiple untruths in the matter. The second report followed a criminal investigation and was delivered verbally yesterday by FBI Director James Comey. It also eviscerated multiple falsehoods Clinton has told the American people for more than a year.

This post was published at Wall Street On Parade By Pam Martens and Russ Marte.