U.S. Warships Surround Disputed Chinese Waters, Prepared for War: ‘WWIII At Stake’

Territorial disputes are a delicate thing… and potentially deadly as well.
That’s why the U. S. is backing up its positions with an ever-increasing presence of warships in the South China Sea.
China is very touchy about these territories, and unwilling to give up what they perceive as their waters, even as a UN tribunal just denied their claims and strengthened the U. S. hand.
Indeed, the entire situation is combustible and very dangerous.
As James Holbrooks of the Underground Reporter noted:
In a congressional hearing on Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence and retired Navy admiral Dennis Blair told the panel that the United States should be prepared to use military force to oppose Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.
‘I think we need to have some specific lines and then encourage China to compromise on some of its objectives,’ Blair, who headed the U. S. Pacific Command while in the Navy, said at the hearing.

This post was published at shtfplan on July 15th, 2016.