PAY TO PLAY: The DNC Ends Amid Controversy, Empty Seats & White Noise

The 2016 Democratic National Convention was the latest in a long line of sordid political productions…
It was a tough week for the Clinton ‘change makers’ as Bernie Sanders delegates staged a mass walkout after a series of email leaks disclosed that a Clinton lawyer gave the DNC strategy advice on how to sideline the Sanders campaign.
There were also claims of white noise machines used to quell any anti-Clinton dissent inside the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.
‘Help Wanted: Actors Needed’
Putting aside the fact that today’s US presidential conventions have turned into celebrity show business promotional events (pop star Katie Perry, Ted Danson, and even British actor Orlando Bloom et all), there’s another more disturbing controversy emerging – this time over a Craigslist ad stating that, ‘actors were needed for a national convention’ – prompting critics to suggest empty seats had to be filled prior to the end of the convention and that the July 27th ad was at the behest of the DNC.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on JULY 29, 2016.