SYRIA: CNN Normalizes Suicide Bombers and Embeds Reporters with ISIS and Al Qaeda

As the battle for Aleppo gathers momentum and the encircled terrorist factions respond violently to the strangulation of their supply lines and diminishment of their territory in eastern Aleppo, CNN goes to extraordinary lengths to obfuscate US connections to these terror gangs, romanticise the role of terror in Syria and even more astonishingly ‘normalise’ suicide bombers and promote the re-branded Al Nusra as the new ‘moderates’.
Al Qaeda under new nomenclature suddenly becomes the reasonable option and the US voting public barely seem to notice?
On August 2nd 2016 as the Syrian Arab Army was making serious advances on the ground against the NATO backed terrorist factions occupying the eastern sectors of Aleppo, the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Jabhat Al Nusra made the announcement that it was changing the name of the group. CNN ran with this story almost immediately.
This re-branding also coincides with the agreement between Russia and the US to finally combine forces in combatting Al Qaeda/Al Nusra fighting inside Syria.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on AUGUST 4, 2016.