Police Seek Motive Behind NYC Bombing, As Strange SJW Manifesto Take Credit For Explosion

In a day in which the Islamic State claimed responsibility for a “soldier” who stabbed nine people in a Minnesota Mall, authorities were urgently trying to avoid labeling last night’s IED explosion in midtown Manhattan which injured 29 people, as the second terrorist attack in the same day. So, it not terrorism, what was it? According to the latest attempt to steer the narrative, and as we reported last night, investigators are treating the explosion as an ‘intentional act,’ and while they haven’t ruled out terrorism, weren’t willing to label the explosion as a terrorist act until authorities had a better idea of a motive, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
Investigators had recovered bomb components near the explosion scene that are ‘indicative’ of an improvised explosive device, NYC’s new Police Commissioner, James O’Neill said. Additionally, officials said they were trying to determine if the explosion in Manhattan, an unexploded device that was found four blocks away, and a blast earlier in the day about 80 miles away in New Jersey, were the work of the same individual or group, even if – as mayor de Blasio would like you to believe – there was no element of actual terrorism.
According to the WSJ, authorities on Sunday said they see similarities between the bombs – cellphones were used in all three devices – but that they hadn’t made a clear connection. The main focus remains on the Manhattan blast. ‘I’m concerned,’ said NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill. ‘We did have a bomb that was detonated…and we have no one apprehended so of course I’m concerned.’ The explosion came on Mr. O’Neill’s second day on the job.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Sep 18, 2016.