FDA Rethinks ‘Healthy’ Food Label

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,
Have you ever looked at a box of organic, paleo-friendly, gluten-free, vegan, natural, healthy chocolate chip cookies and had the gut feeling it’s nothing but garbage food?
And even though the biggest and brightest word on the package is ‘healthy,’ you still get that nagging feeling that this food really isn’t good for you.
Well, chances are your intuition is spot on.
Once you get past all the boldly highlighted nutritional claims and take a closer look at the nutritional facts, many of these snacks, energy bars and convenience foods quickly confirm your suspicions.
You find they are full of sugar, processed ingredients and added preservatives.
Recently, it seems that you’re not alone in your mislabeled snack discoveries. The FDA has caught on too. And they plan to do something about it…
But as usual, they’re not sure how to do it.

This post was published at Laissez Faire on Oct 8, 2016.