It’s Deplorable! Less Than 1 In 3 Are ‘Satisfied’ With Hillbama’s America

In 2009, for a brief moment, U. S. “satisfaction” surged as the “Hope and Change” President entered that White House leaving many to believe that a new American utopia was upon them. But then, as people slowly realized that they still had to go to work and pay their mortgages and that Obama was just another politician with elegant words but no substance, “Hope” faded to “Hype” and “satisfaction” declined back to nearly all-time lows.
Now, as we sit here with less than 30 days left until election day, Gallup finds that satisfaction remains near all-time lows with only 28% of the population upbeat about the current path of their country. With so few people “satisfied” with their current predicament, it would seem ironic that Americans are poised to effectively extend the Obama administration for another 4 years.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Oct 14, 2016.