Security Agent Tells FBI What It Was Really Like To Work With Hillary Clinton

While there have been recent narratives by security agents detailing what life was like working closely with Hillary Clinton as their boss, most of these have made it to the public in book format, and as such one assumes they took certain liberties to embellish the narrative and spicy up the plot. One such example is Ronald Kessler who has written several books about the Secret Service, even though claims about Clinton mistreating agents in private are numerous.
However, today for the first time, courtesy of the latest release of 100 pages of FBI “302” documents, we now have an on the record interview with a former, unnamed female member of Hillary security detail who belonged to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and who reveals a truly “deplorable” picture of what having Hillary Clinton as your boss was like.
According to the agent’s testimony, Clinton didn’t just treat agents poorly. She reportedly disrespected U. S. ambassadors with her routine breaches of diplomatic protocol.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Oct 17, 2016.