Most of the time, the president says things we more or less agree with. When he says things along the lines of attacks on civilians must be stopped, of course, we all approve. How can we not?
The only problem is that usually, he is only applying those standards to uncooperative governments and never to himself or his allies.
The war on alternative media is a prime example of this. Obama’s spiel at a recent press conference in Germany is hard to argue with on its face, as he stated that fake news undermines the American political process:
‘If we are not serious about facts and what’s true and what’s not, if we can’t discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems.’
I agree. I think everyone agrees. Fake news must be stopped.
During the late nineties, the NATO war machine decided to spread its democratic principles to Yugoslavia. The country’s president at the time, Slobodan Milosevic, was widely branded as a war criminal by the mainstream media. There was some consensus that intervention was necessary to bring an end to his actions.
Years later, that perspective persisted. A 2011 Telegraph article explainsthat under Milosevic’s rule, ‘ethnic cleansing became a reality as whole populations were forced from their homes and hundreds of thousands were killed.’

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on NOVEMBER 30, 2016.