Be Careful What You Wish For, Police Body-Cam Edition

After the recent deluge of videos showing police abusing and sometimes flat-out murdering more-or-less innocent citizens, the willingness of a growing number of cities to equip officers with video cameras has been hailed as a victory by civil libertarians.
But what if those cameras also extend the surveillance network exponentially? In the future, if a policeman is facing you, he might be filming you. From there, all it will take is real-time facial recognition technology, and Big Brother will be walking the streets with eyes wide open.
Well, ask and you shall receive:
Real-time face recognition threatens to turn cops’ body cameras into surveillance machines
(Intercept) – LAST YEAR, A RUSSIAN startup announced that it could scan the faces of people passing by Moscow’s thousands of CCTV cameras and pick out wanted criminals or missing persons. Unlike much face recognition technology – which runs stills from videos or photographs after the fact – NTechLab’s FindFace algorithm has achieved a feat that once only seemed possible in the science fictional universe of ‘Minority Report’: It can determine not just who someone is, but where they’ve been, where they’re going, and whether they have an outstanding warrant, immigration detainer, or unpaid traffic ticket.

This post was published at DollarCollapse on MARCH 24, 2017.