TURKEY: Erdogan Brings In The Wolves From The Cold

21st Century Wire says…
As if it’s not discouraging news with allegations of President Erdogan’s recent referendum victory mired in fraud, as alleged by the opposition parties, it’s worrying to see the incumbent allied with a long established group that are known in Turkey for serious violence, attempted murder, drug smuggling, and most notably one of their members who tried to assassinate Pope John Paul II in 1981.
The ultra-nationalist MHP party, better known as the ‘Grey Wolves’, are hoping to capitalise on top of Erdogan’s recent succession in the referendum which could see him be President as far as 2029, some speculate. Amidst the growing unrest from observers about the results which the remaining opposition have called for an annulment, the head of the Grey Wolves hailed Erdogan’s win and said his group will ‘take up our arms and fight if necessary’ to defend the outcome.
More on this report from Consortium News…
All but one of Turkey’s major opposition parties denounced Sunday’s referendum to create an authoritarian new presidential system as marred by fraud and as a threat to the country’s political freedoms. The exception was the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), founded in 1969 to promote a neo-fascist, ultranationalist program. Its fortunes bear close watching as a clue to Turkey’s political direction.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on APRIL 19, 2017.