LONDON’S TRIPLE ATTACK: Who Knew, Who Benefits The Most?

London once again becomes a target of a purported terror event. This time, were told three attacks have occurred simultaneously, happening less than two weeks after Manchester’s known wolf arena bombing. Only time will tell if this latest attack on London Bridge, the Borough Market area and Vauxhall, will also turn out to be the work of known wolf terrorists watched by British security.
RT News reports:
‘London police confirm they are dealing with three ‘incidents’ in the city center on Saturday evening: a vehicle collision with pedestrians on London Bridge, reported stabbings in the Borough Market area and a third incident in Vauxhall.’
Though many are still shocked in the wake of the London attacks – key questions will undoubtedly emerge following this latest act of terror in the West.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on JUNE 3, 2017.