“Create Your Re-Education Camp On Your Own Dime” – Lawmakers Propose Defunding Evergreen College

Republicans in the Washington State legislature have proposed a bill to revoke $24 million in annual state funding for Evergreen State College after social justice warriors effectively shut down the school’s campus for two weeks after a faculty member objected to a planned demonstration that asked all white students and staff to leave campus for a day, as Campus Reform reported.
Protests erupted late last month after biology professor Bret Weinstein sent an email to his colleagues arguing that the planned ‘day of absence’ protest was itself a ‘form of oppression.’
The email was eventually published in the student newspaper, angering snowflakes on campus. On May 23, more than a month after Weinstein sent the email detailing his objections, an angry mob of about 50 students disrupted his class, accused him of being a racist and demanded that he resign, as Weinstein recounted in a column published in The Wall Street Journal.
As Weinstein noted in WSJ, the day of absence protest is a tradition at Evergreen. In previous years, students and faculty of color would meet off campus. But this year, the events’ organizers – who claimed that the election of President Donald Trump made them feel ‘unwelcome’ on the campus of the far-left institution – instead invited white students, staff and faculty to leave campus.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jun 5, 2017.