Ding Dong The Bill Is Dead

The Senate’s GOP-written theft en-masse bill (allegedly to “repeal and replace” Obamacare) is dead. There are now enough committed no votes to doom it, and it’s been essentially abandoned.
The latest is a claim that we will instead see a clean “repeal” of Obamacare.
America, wake up.
This is the time when you must do so. When you must make damn sure your Representative and Senators understand that they will be fired or even worse if they don’t cut the crap now on the health care system in this nation.
What does cut the crap mean?
First, put an immediate stop to medical insurance extortion and Racketeering. The act of threatening you with a charge 10x or even greater than an “insurance company” would pay (and thus you would pay by transference since you pay for said insurance) if you have no insurance meets the clear definition of extortion (threatening you with financial ruin if you do not take an action said provider wishes you to take) and since both the providers and insurance companies do so in concert it certainly appears to meet the definition of Racketeering under Federal Law.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2017-07-18.