BANA ALABED: A Lost Childhood and a Future Jeopardized by Ongoing Child Exploitation

Protesting child exploitation should be something we all do automatically without reflection, child abuse should be something we all abhor. Regardless of our opinions, our prejudices, our understanding of any given situation – a child being misused, abused, taken advantage of, enslaved or manipulated, should be all our responsibility, without exception.
Bana Alabed is that child. Do any of the media pundits pushing this story have children? Would they subject their own children to this level of negative exposure and unscrupulous management? No? Why, then, should Bana undergo such a rigorous induction into the ‘art’ of propaganda, to produce the narrative that serves agendas she has very little if any understanding of?
‘If we are not honest about how we read things we will only deceive others and eventually ourselves. Not only is this video harmful to anyone watching it and witnessing this blatant exploitation of children’s lives but more importantly it is harmful to the children themselves where one is being taught how to put on a display and take people for a ride and the other is forced to put up with it when it is obvious all he wants is everyone to Fuck off. If any of those children were mine I would be furious.
Who ever is running this campaign, Please stop, it’s harming the children… ‘ ~ Rami Jarrah on Facebook

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on JULY 19, 2017.