Government Think Tanks Admit U.S. Empire Is Collapsing – Their Solution Is More War And Tyranny

The average person doesn’t realize how close the American empire is to collapsing under its own weight. Hell, the average person’s mind is thoroughly riddled with propaganda and entertainment, that they don’t even realize that their country is an empire. They think it’s normal to live under an all powerful government that has hundreds of military bases all over the world, and is constantly at war.
But there’s no doubt that this state of affairs cannot continue. In fact, even the high ranking officials in our government know that their empire is on the ropes, and challenged on all fronts by nations that are no longer willing to bow down to Washington.
Recently the US Army War College published a report titled, At Our Own Peril: DoD Risk Assessment in a Post-Primacy World. The report, which was written by high level officials from the Pentagon and multiple think tanks, essentially spells out where the American empire is going. In fact, it tacitly admits that the US government is indeed an empire.

This post was published at shtfplan on July 20th, 2017.