
Listening to NPR this morning confirmed what I already knew. Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump’s coffin.
NPR had no interest whatsoever in reporting the actual facts about what had occurred in Charlottesville. The several ‘interviews’ with the like-minded were orchestrated to produce the desired propaganda result: It was all Trump’s fault.
It was Trump’s fault for many reasons. He had stirred up White Supremacists and Nazis by appealing during the presidential election campaign to their supremacist views with his slogan ‘America first.’
Of course, what Trump means by ‘America first,’ is precisely what the voters understood him to mean – the interest of the broad American public should come before trade deals that serve the interests of other countries and the narrow profit interests of global corporations. However, the NPR propagandists put words in Trump’s mouth and twisted the meaning of the slogan to be ‘White America Comes First.’
In other words, ‘America first’ according to NPR is code language to white supremacists to take advantage of the electoral college and elect a leader over the popular vote of the heavy population densities in the narrow geographical areas that comprise the northeast and west coasts, the centers of moral rot. Thus, Trump was the candidate of white supremacists and, thereby, illegitimate.

This post was published at Paul Craig Roberts on August 14, 2017.