On more than one occasion of late, the US has hurled accusations against Syrian President Assad for the use of chemical weapons against his own people. Analyses of these gas attacks have raised profound questions about the genesis of the attacks as well as questions as to why the US is so very eager to pin these on Assad – eager enough, apparently, to ignore substantial evidence pointing to other perpetrators.
Now, evidence has come to light that the US may be deploying targeted chemical weapons against her own citizens.
In the wake of the recent report that the US was filing false and misleading reports to the UN 1540 (WMD) Committee, this reporter obtained surveillance videos from a political target in Los Angeles, California. The individual providing the videos is an attorney and was also interned in a US detention camp during WWII as a Japanese American. In the past several years, she incurred a number of legal difficulties during her mother’s adult guardianship proceedings. (Her mother was also a former US detainee.) She was falsely arrested (and let go without being charged), fired from her job as an attorney with the State of California and also experienced other legal challenges, such as inexplicable restraining orders. These restraining orders are used regularly against family members who try to protect their loved ones from the ravages of guardianship.

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on ACTIVISTPOST.COM.