Chief Obamacare Architect Fired, Forced To Settle Fraudulent Billing Investigation In Vermont

If not for the undercover video below in which MIT professor, and chief Obamacare architect, Jonathan Gruber attributed the passage of Obamacare to the “stupidity of the American voter,” most Americans wouldn’t even have known it was Gruber who was responsible for eternally destroying the healthcare system in the U. S.
Unfortunately, the now infamous MIT prof just had to open his mouth and the video just had to go viral…which means that all the rest of us have to live the remainder of our lives with the knowledge that one elitist, leftist professor who has probably never worked a day outside of academia and/or government in his life is the sole reason we can suddenly no longer afford to buy health insurance for our families.
Now, according to the Vermont Rutland Herald, Gruber’s perpetual desire to save American voters from their own stupidity has landed him in some hot water with Vermont’s Attorney General T. J. Donovan. As the Herald explains, Gruber was apparently hired as a consultant by Vermont’s former Governor to assist with analyzing a single-payer healthcare system but got a little too creative with his invoices…

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Aug 21, 2017.