Freedom from mind controlled education

Over the past few years, I’ve written extensively about clap-trap higher education, which is turning out to be a combination of values-indoctrination, peer pressure, conformity, Leftist ideology, peppered with an astounding number of vague unexamined generalities. It adds up to intellectual starvation by attrition. It’s a war against the mind carried on by attempting to shape and control and limit the mind.
If you took the worst features of fake discourse and analysis and rolled them up into a ball, you would get college.
This is one reason why I wrote a basic logic course for high school students and included it in my collection, The Matrix Revealed.
From my own experience as a student, and from teaching teenage students, I discovered an encouraging fact: a little bit of logic goes a long way. Students respond. They wake up, for example, when they find out what a generality is, when they read examples, when they run them to ground, when they discover how many generalities end up in blind alleys with no factual support.
It’s as if the mind says, ‘I didn’t realize this before! I’ve been waiting for this! I want to analyze information. Here is a basic tool. I’m ready. Let’s go. I don’t want to be fooled anymore.’

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on September 5, 2017.