An Honest Syrian Response to the Criminally Hypocritical Western Cries of ‘Torture’

No other fabricated claim against Syria’s majority elected head of state, President Assad, has received such amplification from colonial media & NGOs, as that of ‘torture’. The sheer hypocrisy of western outrage against a practice they have clandestinely perfected in the vaults of deep state for hundreds if not thousands of years, is staggering.
Torture is a global phenomenon, to pretend otherwise or to adopt a moral superiority in the west is to ignore the misery that is inflicted daily, both domestically and internationally, by our governments & their allies.
While flinging ‘torture’ accusations at the majority of prey nations, the UK and US, in particular, support client states who conduct torture campaigns on a horrifying scale against their own citizens or their captive, occupied peoples – yes Saudi Arabia and Israel are the perfect examples of torture as a way of life. There is no equivalent outrage against, or prosecution of, their crimes of mass torture, racist oppression or ethnic cleansing pogroms. Why not?
How many dissident or political prisoners does the UK have in solitary confinement in UK prisons? Solitary confinement is a recognised form of torture by the way. I recommend everyone follow the case of Melanie Shaw that has been highlighted by UK Column.
US police forces extra-judicially executed more than one thousand Black Americans in 2015. How many people in the US and UK are living below a humane poverty line, destitute, persecuted, homeless and ghetto-ised. Incidentally, you do not see the same level of destitution on the streets of Damascus, Homs or even Aleppo, despite crippling US/EU sanctions and the terrorist proxy war being waged against a sovereign nation and its people.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on OCTOBER 25, 2017.