Get Politics And Religious Bigotry Out of The Law

We’re supposed to be better than that, and maybe we finally are…..
For the first time, a majority of Republicans are in favor of legalizing marijuana, according to a Gallup poll out Wednesday.
Fifty-one percent of Republicans tell Gallup that, yes, marijuana should be legal, up from 42 percent last year.
That support has led to a whopping two-thirds of Americans (64 percent) supporting pot legalization, the highest ever recorded by Gallup. Gallup has data on the question since 1969.
Marijuana was made illegal in the United States on the back of a campaign financed and promoted by the Hearst paper empire, which was deeply concerned about the ability of hemp to displace wood pulp for paper production. The Hearsts owned vast expanses of pulp wood forest along with newspapers and used the latter to protect the former by driving public opinion about marijuana — thereby effectively outlawing hemp.
Then there was the raw xenophobic and intentional lies spun in movies like Reefer Madness, which made the claim that Mexicans like to smoke weed (possibly true) but after doing so inevitably became raving animals who would uncontrollably******white women. It was therefore essential to prohibit marijuana, you see.
That is what actually happened folks. It was an intentional lie then and still is today.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2017-11-08.