134 Earthquakes Strike The San Andreas Fault As The Shaking Of The Earth’s Crust Intensifies

Within the last 7 days, 134 earthquakes ‘have hammered a three-mile stretch around Monterey County on the San Andreas fault’. 17 of those earthquakes were of magnitude 2.5 or greater, and many believe that these quakes could be a warning sign that a much bigger quake is imminent. Let’s hope not, because when the ‘Big One’ finally strikes California we will witness devastation on a scale that is unlike anything that we have seen before in modern American history. The Northridge earthquake of 1994 was crippling, but it was only a magnitude 6.7 quake. Experts tell us that when the ‘Big One’ finally hits, we could be looking at a quake of magnitude 9.0 or greater, and such a disaster would make the Northridge earthquake look like a Sunday picnic.
The San Andreas fault stretches for more than 700 miles along the California coast, and in a previous article I discussed how seismologists have warned that it could potentially ‘unzip all at once’. There is a reason why it is one of the most famous earthquake faults in the entire world, and all of the shaking that we have seen over the past 7 days has many scientists deeply concerned…
In the last week 134 earthquakes have hammered a three-mile stretch around Monterey County on the San Andreas fault.
Of those earthquakes, 17 were stronger than 2.5 magnitude and six of them were stronger than 3.0, with more tremors expected in the coming weeks, experts warn.
It follows fears raised last week that the ‘Big One’ is about to hit after a series of ten ‘mini quakes’ struck the same area.

This post was published at The Economic Collapse Blog on November 22nd, 2017.