Republicans Prepare For War With FBI, DOJ: To File Contempt Action Over Anti-Trump Bias

Five weeks ago, House Speaker Paul Ryan accused the DOJ and FBI of ‘stonewalling’ the House Intelligence Committee’s wide-ranging subpoena for all pertinent information about how the largely unsubstantiated ‘Trump dossier’ played into the DOJ’s decision to launch the infamous Trump collusion investigation. At the time, the speaker said the agency was preparing to turn over the information requested by the committee, but despite his assurances, the promised documents never materialized.
Then yesterday, thanks to a series of coordinated media leaks, Nunes learned – at the same time as the broader public – about the reassignment of Peter Strzok, a senior Mueller aide who had played a critical role in the DOJ’s original collusion investigation. And before that, Strzok helped lead the FBI’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information.
As it turns out, the agent had been reassigned for expressing anti-Trump sentiments in a series of text messages to FBI attorney Lisa Page while the two were having an affair. The bureau, it appears, had willfully tried to conceal this fact from Nunes and his committee.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Dec 3, 2017.