Hurricane Irma Is Being Called ‘A Lawnmower From The Sky’ And FEMA Warns It Will ‘Devastate’ The Southeast

It looks like Hurricane Irma is going to make landfall in south Florida on Sunday morning. Of course that could still change, but this is what the meteorologists are telling us at this point. But of course the exact spot where Irma makes landfall is not so important because of the absolutely immense size of this storm. Irma is going to cause chaos and devastation over a very large area, and just like Hurricane Harvey the recovery from this storm is literally going to be measured in years.
Down in the Caribbean, the destruction that Irma has caused has been absolutely unprecedented. The president of the island of Saint Martin ‘estimated that 95 percent of his country had been obliterated’, and one resident of the island described the storm as ‘a lawnmower from the sky’…
Witnesses described similar scenes on the island’s Dutch half. ‘It’s like someone with a lawnmower from the sky has gone over the island,’ said Mairlou Rohan, a European tourist visiting Sint Maarten, part of the Netherlands.
That is not the sort of terminology that I would use, but without a doubt the devastation caused by this storm has been off the charts.
On Barbuda, at least 90 percent of the buildings have been destroyed…

This post was published at The Economic Collapse Blog on September 8th, 2017.

Race/class-baiting attacks against vaccine doubters

The official talking heads in the vaccine wars are using race and class to attack people who doubt the safety and efficacy of vaccines.
Before people lost track of a subject called logic, the fallacy called ad hominem was widely understood: ignore the substance of an argument; simply attack the person making the argument.
Barbara Loe Fisher leads a private non-profit US organization called the National Vaccine Information Center. She has worked for decades to bring truth to the issue of vaccines. Recently, she gave a talk titled, ‘Class and Race Profiling in the Vaccine Culture War.’ Here are vital excerpts:
‘The Vaccine Culture War is heating up. Ground zero is America, Europe and other economically developed countries, where the pharmaceutical industrial complex is raising an iron fist to protect multi-billion dollar profits by disempowering the people.’
‘In America, professors and doctors in academia and government are profiling parents by class and race to shame and discredit those challenging vaccine orthodoxy. Elite members of the highest paid professions in our society are using academic journals and mainstream media to openly preach fear, hate, prejudice and discrimination against people who disagree with them about vaccination.’

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on September 8, 2017.

China Tips its Hand: How it Would Prevent a US Attack on North Korea

The unanswered question of the past several weeks is ‘What would China do to prevent a US attack on North Korea?’ Well, the Chinese began to answer that question with military exercises and deployment of air defense forces designed to expand the roles of anti-missile units in size and scope of territory defended. RT News released an article on September 6 entitled China carries out live-fire exercise fending off ‘surprise’ overseas attack, and here is an excerpt:
‘Earlier this week, China’s envoy to the UN has once again urged all parties to the rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula to return to dialogue. Saying that the situation in the region is falling into a vicious circle, he said that ‘China will never allow chaos and war on the peninsula,’ Xinhua reported. Alongside Moscow, Beijing has been calling for implementation of a ‘double freezing’ initiative, designed to cease both missile launches and nuclear tests by Pyongyang, and large-scale military exercises by Washington and Seoul. The US has rejected the joint Russia-China plan, and has been discussing further deployment of military equipment including aircraft carriers and strategic bombers to the area. Beijing has repeatedly expressed growing concerns over the build-up close to its borders, saying it further destabilizes the situation in East Asia.’
As can be seen from that last sentence, the US rejects these measures, because it compromises the effectiveness of a US attack and/or invasion. In the bigger picture, it also solidifies defensive anti-missile countermeasures for Russia and China, slowing the attempted encroachment with the goal being capitulation to US and Western hegemony.

This post was published at shtfplan on September 8th, 2017.

Laughing on the Way to Armageddon – Paul Craig Roberts

The United States shows the world such a ridiculous face that the world laughs at us.
The latest spin on ‘Russia stole the election’ is that Russia used Facebook to influence the election. The NPR women yesterday were breathless about it.
We have been subjected to ten months of propaganda about Trump/Putin election interference and still not a scrap of evidence. It is past time to ask an unasked question: If there were evidence, what is the big deal? All sorts of interest groups try to influence election outcomes including foreign governments. Why is it OK for Israel to influence US elections but not for Russia to do so? Why do you think the armament industry, the energy industry, agribusiness, Wall Street and the banks, pharmaceutical companies, etc., etc., supply the huge sum of money to finance election campaigns if their intent is not to influence the election? Why do editorial boards write editorials endorsing one candidate and damning another if they are not influencing the election?
What is the difference between influencing the election and influencing the government? Washington is full of lobbyists of all descriptions, including lobbyists for foreign governments, working round the clock to influence the US government. It is safe to say that the least represented in the government are the citizens themselves who don’t have any lobbyists working for them.
The orchestrated hysteria over ‘Russian influence’ is even more absurd considering the reason Russia allegedly interfered in the election. Russia favored Trump because he was the peace candidate who promised to reduce the high tensions with Russia created by the Obama regime and its neocon nazis – Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power. What’s wrong with Russia preferring a peace candidate over a war candidate? The American people themselves preferred the peace candidate. So Russia agreed with the electorate.

This post was published at Paul Craig Roberts on September 8, 2017.