Medical martial law declared in Sierra Leone; Ebola victims hunted like fugitives in house-to-house searches

(NaturalNews) EBOLA ALERT: Medical martial law has now been declared in Sierra Leone while the government conducts a house-to-house hunt for Ebola victims who are being treated like “medical fugitives.”“Sierra Leone ordered its 6 million people confined to their homes for three days starting Friday,” declared the Associated Press today. [1]The outlandish cover story for this medical quarantine operation that will invade the homes of private citizens in an Ebola victim fugitive hunt is that volunteers will be handing out bars of soap. As the AP reports:…volunteers will try to identify sick people reluctant or unable to seek treatment. They will also hand out 1.5 million bars of soap…

This post was published at Natural News on Friday, September 19, 2014.